• Ready to
    start trying?

    Being healthy before pregnancy will benefit both you and your future baby.

    Learn about changes—big and small—that you can do now to support your health and the health of a future baby. Plan to be healthy.

    Pick a topic to get started.

  • Folic Acid

    Folic acid is needed even before you know that you’re pregnant. So, if you’re trying or thinking of trying, take a daily multivitamin with folic acid in it now.

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  • Healthy Mind & Body

    A healthy mind and body now means a healthier pregnancy and baby in the future. Plan to be healthy.

    Abuse Food and Nutrition Healthy Relationships Immunization Mental Health and Stress Physical Activity Sedentary Behaviour Travel Safety


  • Alcohol, Tobacco & Cannabis

    The safest choice when trying to become pregnant or to support a healthy pregnancy is to avoid alcohol, tobacco, vaping or cannabis products.

    There is support available to help you reduce and quit using these products.

    Alcohol Tobacco Cannabis
  • Medicine & Supplements

    Using medicines, herbal products (including powders, pills and herbal teas) and supplements are more complex than you may think. Taking a safe approach to these products is especially important when trying to become pregnant.

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  • Other Substances

    Substance use (e.g., psychoactive drugs) can cause health problems for you and your developing baby. Help is available.

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  • Age

    Age can affect fertility. No matter your age or gender, you can benefit from a reproductive life plan.

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  • Weight

    Healthy weights are more likely to support a healthy pregnancy—and even conceiving in the first place.

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  • Environmental Risks

    From chemicals to the workplace to the temperature: your environment impacts your health – reproductive and otherwise. Protect yourself, and your future baby.

    Chemicals Food Handling Heat Occupational Hazards
  • Seeing an Expert

    Your health care provider can help you plan for the healthiest pregnancy. Talk with your health care provider about the steps that you can take to increase your chances of being healthy and having a healthy baby. Ask an expert for more information if you have any questions.

    Already Pregnant Dental Health Fertility Genetic Risk Health and Family History STIs and Safer Sex Practices
  • Reproductive Life Plan

    A reproductive life plan can help identify goals around having children – or not having children – in the future.

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