A reproductive life plan is a simple tool to help you decide if and when you are ready to have a baby. By helping you identify your values, priorities and actions to take, it can also improve your chances of getting pregnant, and having a healthy baby.
Contemplator QA Post Category: Age
I’m in my 40s and wonder about having a child now. What should I know?
Age can affect fertility for everyone. Answering the questions in the reproductive life plan can help you decide when to start trying to have a baby. Someone in their 40s sometimes feels better prepared to be a parent than when they were younger. They may be more established in their careers and their life experiences […]
I’m in my 30s and have questions about my fertility. What do I need to know?
Having a reproductive life plan may help you figure out the best time to start trying to become pregnant and look at any concerns you have about your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. A person’s ability to become pregnant starts to decrease in their early 30s. This decline is gradual […]
I’m in my 20s and wonder if I am ready to have a baby. What can I do?
If or when to start a family is a personal decision. Answering the questions in the reproductive life plan may help you feel more prepared to make decisions about your plan for when (or if) to have children. Although it may not seem like there is a ‘perfect’ time to have a baby, having a […]