There is no ‘magic number’ or amount of time to wait between pregnancies that will work for everyone. Talk with your health care provider about the factors that are important for you to think about. Based on past pregnancies and birth experiences, the spacing between pregnancies can affect: baby’s health: a future baby could be […]
Contemplator QA Post Category: Reproductive Life Plan
I am thinking about having a baby in the next year. Is it too late to start using a reproductive life plan?
Even if you’re already planning a pregnancy, it’s not too late to think about a reproductive life plan. There are still many positive steps you can take that will support your own health and the health of your future child (or children). At this stage of your life, a reproductive life plan can help you […]
Why is a reproductive life plan helpful for everyone?
It takes a combination of a healthy egg and a healthy sperm to make a baby. We know that there are steps people can take before pregnancy that can make a difference to their health before and during pregnancy. There are also steps that improve sexual health and overall well-being to help conceive a healthy […]
What does a reproductive life plan include?
A reproductive life plan provides information and steps that can help to improve your physical and mental health and protect your fertility. This can improve your chances of having a healthy baby in the future. Topics covered include: Protecting your physical and mental health Eating healthy Being active Immunization For people who can become pregnant, […]
What is a Reproductive Life Plan?
A reproductive life plan is a simple tool to help you decide if and when you are ready to have a baby. By helping you identify your values, priorities and actions to take, it can also improve your chances of getting pregnant, and having a healthy baby when you are ready. The plan offers questions […]