How could substance use affect me or my partner?
Substance use can affect a person’s thinking and mood and may affect how they make decisions.
It may also put people in an unsafe situation where it is difficult to avoid risks. This might include unsafe sex practices leading to an increased risk of STIs or unintended pregnancy. There may also be increased risk for physical injuries, infections like hepatitis or HIV, poisoning (overdose).
If you are concerned about your own or your partner’s use of substances, your health care provider (including your pharmacist) can help you find the right support. Talking with your health care provider about your substance use can prevent harmful interactions with prescription medicines. There are also services that you can use that don’t need a referral from a health care provider.
Call the AHS Addiction Helpline, toll-free, 24/7 at 1-866-332-2322 or go to AHS Addiction & Mental Health to find more info and services in your area.