Why is physical activity important? How much is enough?
Physical activity has many benefits. It:
- improves your strength
- gives you more energy
- helps you cope with stress
- improves your mood
- helps you sleep
- can help you reach or maintain a healthy weight
Following the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults is the best way to get the benefits of physical activity.
The guidelines for adults state:
“For health benefits, adults aged 18-64 years should be physically active each day, minimize sedentary behaviour, and achieve sufficient sleep.”
A variety of types and intensities of physical activity are recommended for adults:
Include an accumulation of at least 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity. This will make you sweat a little and breathe harder. Moderate activities may include:
- Brisk walking
- Bike riding
Vigorous-intensity physical activities will make you sweat and find it hard to talk (feel ‘out of breath’). These include:
- Jogging
- Cross-country skiing
It’s also important to include activities that make your muscles and bones stronger, at least twice a week. This includes activities like:
- Squats or lunges
- Lifting weights
Also include several hours of light physical activities which includes standing and walking.
Other ideas to get you moving:
- Take a dance class
- Yard work (rake leaves, garden, shovel snow)
- Take the stairs
- Use a standing desk
- Take stretch or walk breaks during the day
- Involve family or friends in activity
- Have fun, physical activities don’t have to be structured!