Pre-contemplator QA Post Category: Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour

I’m physically active; do I need to worry about sitting?

Being physically active doesn’t ‘undo’ being sedentary. For the best health benefits, limit sedentary time to 8 hours or less within a 24 hour period. Break up long bouts of sedentary behaviour and have no more than 3 hours of recreational screen time.    Following the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines helps to lower your risk […]

What is sedentary behaviour?

Sedentary behaviour is sitting or lying for long periods of time while you’re awake. This can include sitting at your desk at work or school, driving, or watching TV. Limiting sedentary time to 8 hours or less within 24 hours is recommended. This includes:  no more than 3 hours of recreational screen time breaking up […]

I know I need to do more physical activity—how can I get started?

Try to start small, so you don’t do too much too soon. Start with a small amount of time, say 10 minutes, and build on that. Slowly increase the time until you’re physically active on a regular basis.  Think about making a physical activity plan. Ask yourself the questions below. Why is physical activity important […]

Why is physical activity important? How much is enough?

Physical activity has many benefits including: improves your strength gives you more energy helps you cope with stress improves your mood helps you sleep can help you reach or maintain a healthy weight Following the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines is the best way to get the benefits of physical activity.   The guidelines for adults state: […]