Depending on my age, what do I need to consider?
Knowing how age affects fertility may help you decide if or when to have children.
It’s physically easier to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy between 20-35. Some people in their 20s may feel somewhat inexperienced or may be concerned about the costs of having a baby.
People becoming pregnant in their 30s or early 40s may feel more emotionally or financially ready to have a baby. However, a person’s ability to become pregnant starts to decrease in their early 30s. This decline is gradual but steady. Even with medical advances, people over 35 have more trouble becoming pregnant and having a healthy baby.
Learn more about pregnancy after 35 here
Less testosterone is produced with age. Sperm quality and function may change with age, which may affect the ability to conceive a baby.
Changes can include:
- fewer healthy sperm
- sperm that doesn’t move well
- sperm that doesn’t have a normal shape
There may also be health problems for the baby such as higher rates of:
- birth defects
- some forms of mental illness (such as schizophrenia)
- some childhood cancers